Happy early birthday since I’m off FB and can’t remember shit without reminders. Bears are totally going to the SB, that’s not a premature prediction at all. Can’t wait to see you at the wedding next month!

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I like the sunset photo with you at the tree. You know, if you've never been there, there's a neat place about 6 miles west of Pioneer, Ohio. The land goes from flat to rolling hills and leads to the La Su An Wildlife area where there are several picturesque lakes and ponds where I've done a lot of fishing in the past. A really beautiful area. You take Rt. 20 and turn right into Pioneer. At the main traffic light you turn left onto 1st Street which becomes CR-R outside of town. Then just drive straight until you get to the lake and pond area. Very pastoral and peaceful area with a few big hills. Wishing you an early Happy Birthday and I will try to make it to The Switchboard event.

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